Monday, July 7, 2008

Reflections and Afterthoughts prepared, understand

Robert here. Just a few words regarding this blog and some afterthoughts.

  • This baby was 6 days EARLY and the birth history of Janet was 6 days late for both previous births she had gone through - we were caught off guard
Note: Once you are FULL term be ready and in the mindset you could 'go' anytime thereafter no matter what your history is
  • The contractions jumped from a normal progression to rapid progression...understand that this can happen
  • In hindsight, having labored overnight, being third child we could've left earlier for hospital
  • Babies regularly come out bluish so that is NOT something to get too worried about
  • If you are healthy up to this point and the babies health is strong as per your medical experts throughout prenatal then be confident that most often this should work out for you BUT understanding what to do will help keep you more focused and calm

More prepared

  • phone numbers should be pre loaded into your phone or handy on your person (health care provider) - if they give you a beeper ask them for an EMERGENCY direct contact !! You don't want to be waiting on a return call when this occurs.
  • 911 - make sure your phone is setup properly (check with your carrier) to have your address registered so that the operator automatically knows where you are calling from
  • once you are in the 'red zone' where you are considered 'full term' (37 weeks) have some emergency supplies at the ready just in case (clean towels, etc.)
  • really understand that babies do come at the time they are intended to come ...the woman has intuition on this as you can see with Janet's
To that note - it seems in the 'final analysis' that taking your birth real seriously from beginning to end is obviously your first step towards parenthood so it is your duty to know all you can and that way very little should surprise or shock you. Know that these things happen, they are not common, but they do happen and if it should happen to you somehow some way the statistics are wayyyyyyy in your favor. That should provide you more sanity if it should come your way.
Babies are resilient, it's only natural for them to be, yet again just KNOW what can happen.

A wise man once told me that in life if you PREPARE very well and PERSIST with great fervor you will PREVAIL !!

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