Sunday, June 22, 2008

Special Delivery !!

I. June 11 Labor to June 12 9:30 am

Labor began on Wednesday June 11th although the professionals would probably say that labor officially starts when things become more intense but now with the benefit of hindsight it is safe to say that the 'game was on' about 2pm Wednesday the 11th of June.

Some woman are not even conscious of their labor in the beginning but I am not one of them. A colleague of mine told me she worked right through her labor until it was time to go to the hospital and even sat THROUGH A CONFERENCE ROOM STYLE MEETING during her labor!! That is hard to imagine but goes to show how labor is 'unto the woman'.

Anyway, this meeting I was in is one of those yearly meetings where you and your colleagues share information as to how you all can better serve your students. It is all OTs and PTs (Occupational and Physical Therapists) coming together for this annual meeting. Sitting there, trying to stay focused...

"Uh Ohhh, was that what I think it was ?" I thought. Hmmm, I'm 6 days early but this child has been 'ridin low' for a while now. Throughout my pregnancy I would get a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions. I would feel those above my belly button. This feeling was below my belly button with some radiating tingle on top of my thighs. When I watched the clock it came every 30 minutes with very short intensity. However it started my thoughts and anxiousness: 'I don't have a bag packed and I still have infant clothes that aren't washed.' As I sat there (during lulls in the action) in my meeting I began scribbling a list of what to pack for the hospital: socks, take home outfit, nursing bra, gifts from baby to Reilly and Jane...a lot to 'due'.
This pregnancy was relatively by the book, as were my prior two which I am happy to say, as I am fully aware of how pregnancies can vary in difficulty. My colleague's couldn't believe I was due in a week. "You look great!" was one of the many positive compliments I received graciously. I'll admit it, I am a woman, despite the impending joy of a new baby the idea you are getting 'bigger' as the due date approaches isn't something you look forward to! I see the beauty in it but all the same getting larger I could do without. Wait, could this be false labor or wayyy pre labor? That is kind of my body's method of preparation for a birth historically speaking.

One physical therapist in particular was very excited about my upcoming birth, in fact she said to me "Don't worry if you go into labor today at the meeting; I always wanted to birth a baby!" Yes, she really did say that ~ Some foreshadowing!!

After the annual meeting I attended a retirement party for my supervisor(I'm gonna really miss you Ro!) so I got home pretty late, like 7pm. Robert, Reilly and Jane were at the beach so that gave me about 45-minutes to run around, do wash, pack a bag, check my email from my home business ( and organize myself. I made a quick phone call to Gramps (My Dad) to let him know that I might be in labor or possible false labor/prelabor and that he should be aware , on-call to come over at any time! This was prearranged and he was ready. When Robert arrived with the kids, I let him know what I was experiencing at this point. That "tingle" was now every 20-minutes or so. As usual he took it in stride and was ready to begin his role as "Coach". He was surprised and excited. "OK J let's do it, we've got a lot to get ready." We bathed the kids and put them to bed. We had let them know that when they wake up I might be in the hospital. Up to now I've done a lot of reading to them to prepare them of the new baby event. They were excited and ready for the "new" baby. Prayers (emphasis on the 'Angel of God' prayer) and kisses for both; Jane and Reilly were asleep.

We were timing contractions. They were 10-15 minutes apart with very little discomfort (just a "tingle"). Robert went out for supplies (i.e. Gatorade, peanut butter and Chocolate!) because you never know what you're going to need in the delivery room; during or after the birth of a baby!

By 10:30pm I made the first phone call to our Midwife group. This group has been everything I could ask for as health care pros for prenatal and for birthing. The care and guidance has helped us through three pregnancies, being spot on throughout. The level of comfort and personal care they provide makes you forget that it is a business. They 'connect' with you on a deep and personal level as the experience of having a child is just that. Also,I should mention,Robert takes his role as "coach" very seriously. During my pregnancy with my first child, we researched and learned the Bradley Way of birthing a baby. It worked for us and we used it with all three pregnancies.
Back to the phone call. I basically told the Midwife on call the time between contractions(progressing and now 10 minutes apart, how far we live from the hospital (45 minutes) and we discussed my past labor/delivery history (long 12 hour labors). The plan was to try and get some rest, time contractions to rule out false labor and call back when contractions are approximately 5 minutes apart lasting 60 seconds each. I also told her I lost my mucus plug and my water tends to break at time of delivery.
Through the night, my contractions continued to come every 10 minutes apart with random quicker contractions interspersed. I attempted to rest in a nightlight lit room and Robert put on relaxation music (always one to set the mood) . I was able to lie in the classic Bradley position which is on one side with all points of body pressure relieved. Robert made sure I was all set up. I was trying to conserve my energy, letting my body do it's thing, in prep for the 'Main Event'. As necessary for comfort when I was laboring through the night, I found the traditional yoga cat pose very helpful for the stronger contractions. Progressing through the intensity of each contraction on all fours helped disperse the discomfort. Robert did a great job of reminding me to "Relax your shoulders... Relax your hands... Relax your..." depending on where he saw me holding tension. Again totally, "Go Bradley"!

On the Bradley, natural childbirth thing ...skip lower to continue story if you'd like ; )

We are not 'new age' type folks , no opinion on that, it just seemed to make sense when it was introduced to us that if the drugs could be avoided through this method then let's go for it. There is no machismo to it. We both intuitively wonder what the drugs do to the body of the woman and the baby. It is administered in that region so how can it not effect the baby ? We say avoid it if you can.

The Bradley (named after Dr Bradley) Method
for more information (

We won't delve into the method in detail but it is safe to say that this is not part of the sixties 'hippy movement' , not that we are denigrating that either, it was created by a thoughtful doctor (Dr Bradley) with 1,000s of case studies. It is not some new age concept that emanated from some pseudo science or profession you may be surprised to know. This study showed that the birth process , if accepted by the mother and understood as a physical process , along with the help of a coach, could mentally direct the body's efforts to the muscle groups needing the energy for the birth and away from the anxiety/resulting tension that many woman have come to expect through shared stories of birth terror. We were skeptics but it was worth looking into, we did and found hard science and good common sense was worth the effort and hopeful ability to stay away from man made drugs.

The concept is centered around managing your labor by allowing your body to focus its energy away from tension and anxiety and towards the muscle groups that work to progress the labor. We have read that many woman who have used the method effectively have pretty much alleviated the discomfort altogether. They accept and embrace what is happening and solely focus on allowing the birth to naturally occur. The coach is integral to achieving this. We recommend it wholeheartedly to any and all.
For FAQs Bradley Method

Back to the story
By 6 am the contractions were getting stronger but not much closer together.
At 6:45 am we put a call into the midwives and told them I didn't get much sleep last night but got some 'rest', contractions are 7-10 minutes. Again I can't comprehend how one goes through a workday during this process. Goes to show you this whole deal is unique to the individual.
On the call we discussed that I still have "a lot of work (labor) to do" (ugh!!) as per my birthing history, etc. So I took my laboring back upstairs as Robert gave the children their breakfast and turned on Sesame Street. He did everything possible to keep things normal for them but children are intuitive not to mention they remembered our 'talk' the night before. There were times when Reilly heard some sounds from upstairs and I would hear a little voice coming up the stairs, "Mom-mom, Are you OK?", he remembered now for sure. The sounds were not loud per Se just a lot of activity he was not accustomed to. Children are so inquisitive and simply awesome.
At this point, we decided to call Gramps and have him come over as prearranged. He was 'on call' from the night before and would be just 10 mins. away from his workplace. It was getting to be 'that time'.
Then, I threw-up. I remember thinking "OK, we are getting closer for sure, that's good."
Labor was clearly intensifying not to mention as Robert 'my Bradley coach' was tending to the little ones I certainly was not as focused. What's that saying? You don't realize what you got 'til it's gone, right on. This labor came with tremendous back tightness and as I recall the others centered tension around that area too. I do know from my professional studies the nervous system is concentrated and networked heavily there as it gets routed throughout the rest of the body.
Robert continued to help me through the contractions by massaging/ pushing on those tight muscles in my lower back and talking me through the contractions ("Relax your shoulders...release your tension...focus on letting your body do the work, it's flowing well).
We hear Gramps arrive downstairs.

Gramps: "Hi guys how are you doing ?

Children : "
GRAMPS! It's Gramps Mom-mom and Dada" they scream loudly

I was in 'serious' labor at this point, a telltale sign that labor is in its full throws:

Janet : "Robert don't leave me up here", sternly.

Robert : "I won't , you're doing great Janet. I'll be back quickly but I want to get the kids out so you can focus. I know you can hear them downstairs and I want you to be fully focused on what you're doing".

Robert quickly checks in on Gramps downstairs.

Robert : "Hey Gramps thanks for coming. She is doing great but starting to get serious for sure. Let's get the children ready to go out. I'll get them dressed maybe you can get the bike's ready. It looks like we will be leaving sooner than later. If we are gone when you get back don't be surprised".

Children : "Are we going for a bikable Dada ? Gramps? Are you taking us for a bikable ?" (Bikable= Bikeride... a Janeism).

Robert comes back upstairs to get the children's clothes and checks in on me quickly. I'm on the phone with the midwife on call Careen discussing details of the labor at this point at around ten to nine - 8:50 am to advise and get advice: She listens to me have a contraction, discuss the activity is increasing, and time between contractions are still 7-10 minutes apart with an occasional one closer about 5 minutes apart, duration is 40-60 seconds long. Again, the feeling is I still have "work to do" but if anything changes it is time to go to the hospital. The pressure is definitely intensifying. Robert speaks with her discussing the labor environment as well as the activity from his perspective. Robert says to Careen she is in serious labor and we will be coming in sooner than later. Careen reminds Robert that you must assess her comfort level. Robert does and let's her know that there is a feeling of pressure difference now still very low yet towards the back not front. Again, a telltale sign that the baby is really setting up for birth.

Now back in full fledged yoga downward dog and upward cat positions (all fours)...not that I do yoga regularly, it just was a position that worked well. We work through a bunch of the contractions together for a little while but it's apparent this is getting real serious as they are still wide apart yet the intensity and pressure has increased to a 7 or 8 out of 10 with lower pressure more on the tailbone.

Janet : "What is the space between the contractions now ?"

Robert: " They still seem pretty far apart but we need to go. "

Janet: "We gotta go. I don't care if we are in there an extra few hours"

Robert : "Let's get in the car and get out of here." Very concerned that although the contractions have not narrowed she is exhibiting the classic signs of DOUBT that signals the discomfort of dilation and wonders if the contractions are too close to make it to the hospital.

He scrambles back downstairs and let's Gramps know the situation.

After getting the children dressed and out the door with Gramps. Robert proceeds to quickly run back upstairs understanding serious labor is happening, needing to resume his coaching duties.

At this point there is a moment of question, a temporary lapse of control :

I remember laboring through some really strong contractions while he was gone. By the time he came upstairs, I was crying. " I had enough!!" "I want the drugs!!" "What am I nuts doing this without pain killers!!!!".

Robert : "Janet you are doing great Janet this is what happens remember this means you are much closer than you realize !" Thoughts 'Whoa boy that should not happen YET. That is the telltale sign prior to the pushing phase ! Eeeee gads we gotta get out of here!'.

Keeping in mind I might be at the hospital laboring another 6 hours and leaving the comfort of my bedroom. I was READY TO GO!!!!!!!

Robert's response "OK, lets go. Let's hope the contractions slow down in the car as they have in the past and we've been told by the midwives !"

So I followed him downstairs grabbing my special pillow and flip-flops. Stopping every few minutes (were talking 2-5 minutes) to have an intense contraction. He began to put packed bags in the car and I looked around for anything I might have forgotten to pack. Stopping for a contraction here and there as they were coming on top of each other more rapidly.
Car's packed.
I go outside; stop by the brick wall in the portico to have another contraction. A few more steps, I'm at the car's door...


...Heavy Contraction, Wow that was strong!! At this point I am in deep labor. I feel some anxiety thinking how am I going to deal with this 45-minute car ride to the hospital.

I look up at Robert across the car roof, still standing at the driver's side open car door facing me .
"Rob, I feel like I need to PUSH"!!

He looks at me with disbelief and says "No you don't. Please tell me you don't need to PUSH!
I say "Yes, I do feel like I NEED TO PUSH!!"

In the next second my mind races with the thoughts: What is going Onnnnnnn? What do we do? Is this for real? The next decision I make is one I have never been so sure about in my life....

..."Call 911" I yell at Robert across the top of the car. As he goes pale, his eyes as big as saucers, he rushes around the car to be at my side picks up his blackberry and attempts to dial. Can't get it to work! I've never seem him flustered like that!! He darts into the house to use the home phone.

My body is shaking with the thought things are spinning out of control. This is NOT supposed to happen LIKE THIS! So much for the Bradley at this point! Then it comes again , I clench my eyes tight, my body wrenches and writhes left leg lifting up off the ground on its own as I work through another urge to push. I look down at the ground, under my feet are dirt, grass and rocks. Gotta move I think. I start into the house shuffling like I'm 100 years old and need a walker- I reach for the doorway and enter the kitchen.
I overhear Robert loudly spelling the name of our street over and over "it's #...get them here as fast as you can!!". I lean in the doorway as another contraction comes...utter disbelief this is happening. I somehow shuffle next to the counter across the kitchen, bracing my left hand on the counter top leaning, ready for another contraction. Robert suggests to me to go to the couch "if I can". My feet can't move. I am planted in the spot I am standing. Robert is close by me, on with 911 but doing his best to try and comfort me and assess the situation. Then it comes, the most uncontrollable urge to push! A scream~ a bloody murder type of scream from me "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... It's comming!!!"

As I stand there with my underwear and my jammie pants on, the baby is pushing through~ splash , my water breaks! It's loud like a water balloon breaking. CaSplassssssssh.

Another extremely high pitched yell "ahhhhhhh AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH oh my Goddddddddddddddddddddddd, It's coming... It's commmmmmmmmmmmming outttttt !!

My free hand, not the one driving through the counter, my right hand unconsciously was reaching down to feel the baby as it was crowning.

The 911 dispatcher was telling Robert "Step away from your wife. I cant hear you over her screams". "Calm down Robert!"
Robert: To dispatcher "I can't step away, the baby IS HERE!.. Get an ambulance here nowwww, PLEASE HURRY!"
Robert is peering over my shoulder, behind me with the phone to his ear with one hand and the other trying to soothe my left shoulder, in an attempt to try and slow the 'process' hoping for a reprieve to get me into the living room 6 steps away. No way, this is it - like it or not!
He sees and hears the water break , puts the phone down, comes around my side sliding down to one knee leaning in with hands outstretched, positioning his body so his chest and arms can gather in all that's about to shoot out, as it passes through my underwear. The baby is coming out, getting a little support and held back by the underwear and jammies.
Force + gravity had the baby sliding out rapidly. Robert's arms are right under all this. He pulls the baby into his chest and arms catching the slippery contents of baby, umbilical cord and gets doused with the accompanying materials smack on the chest. Robert's arms supporting the weight of the baby and desperately trying to balance the whole thing in a big cradle of chest and arms, hoping not to drop the little one.

At the same time this is all happening we hear a faint cry.

Slippery baby and umbilical cord surrounding the baby like an unruly garden hose that was haphazardly piled up and it's surrounding the baby. The baby is blue! , coated with amniotic fluids and a slippery pile of stuff ! Please don't fall. Pleasssssssse don't drop !!

Lord help us !! We are both handling the baby and cord now with me providing side support and Robert underneath coming up off the floor, scooping the baby and cord out from my jammies like a forklift, lifting the baby up to me with little space between us. We both are looking right at the baby and by instinct checking for vital signs.

Janet : Completely panic stricken "Ohhhhhh the baby is BLUE and not breathing !! Hurrry Rob hurrry!!"

Without a word between us we start shuffling towards the bench a few shuffles over so I can sit down, eyes wide open staring right at the baby studying the baby for signs of life.

Robert : "You are going to have to take the baby from me! Ohhh my lord, I don't see any movement !! I don't see any breathing -don't do this to us!! Lord help us !! Janet start praying!! "

Janet: "Angel of God Our Guardian Dear to whom God's love commits us here ever this day be at our side to light and guide to rule and guard" I scream "Please Goddd, He's nottttttttt breathing Pleassssssssse He's blue Robert hurrrrrrrrry , Please get here, Helllllp Usssss, Helllp, Oh Godddddddddddddddd!!

Robert tries to hand me this little newborn but I can't seem to get where to clamp my hands around it-the baby is wet with fluids with little hair spiked, I don't want to drop him!!; Oh God the baby is blue, dark blue!! I get my hands around its rib cage and start bringing it to my chest and shoulder. The little body so helpless and dark without oxygen.
This seems like an eternity playing frame by frame in super slow motion yet it is only seconds and minutes flashing by in an instant looking back.

Robert: "Janet be careful. Do you have it ? Support the head, remember? Can you get it there's no breathing!! When are they going to get herrrrrrrrrrre? Hail Mary full of Grace the lord is with thee..."

As I begin to pull the baby closer to my chest and right shoulder, Robert sees the entire picture of the umbilical cord extending up, across the baby's body and wrapped around it. As I pull the baby up, the cord was pressing close under the newborn's chin. It appeared as if it was strangling it!!

Robert: "Stop Janet!, the cord is around the neck!!". I see it is by looking underneath the chin. I stop. He reaches over and slips the cord over the baby's head slowly, carefully
, with both hands he pulls away from the baby's neck... upppp and over. The cord seems somewhat elastic as it lightly snaps down with a bit of residual fluid flying off. Thankfully, it doesn't break. I am crying, shaking in utter disbelief. Where is the EMT team?!?!!?? Why aren't they herrrrre yet!!???

Robert sees the cord again semi twisted, like a crossed over ribbon and quickly untangles it. Whewwww!!, that's a little relief I think.

Sitting on the hardwood bench that juts out from the wall and extends the length of the table I feel the pressure of the window sill against my back. To my right I hit into my daughter's wooden play stove/oven with my lower right leg . My underwear is still on; jammies at my knees. Cord extending from me to the baby (apologies for the graphic nature but this is it !)
Panic stricken. Baby is still blue I can see but again a little more purple.

Robert picks up the phone he placed on the counter before and resumes his conversation with the dispatcher:

I can only hear Robert as I try and discern vital signs.

Robert: "Ok baby's out and stable on her chest, the cord was wrapped but not any more. Still blueish purple and not showing any real signs of breathing or movement. Did you send an ambulance ? Where are they !!!! Baby is Blue ! NOT breathing get somebody here please!!"

Dispatcher : "Ok, calm down sir...Did the baby cry as it came out ?"

Robert: "Yes the baby cried a little, but not much!!"

Dispatcher : "Ok, That's good the baby cried, now look in the nose and mouth for any obstruction or fluids".

Robert: "Janet clear its nose and mouth ...Can you?... Hurry, Quickkkk !!...Its still BLUE !! Lord don't do this to us PLEASSSE !!"

Robert tells dispatcher there's nothing and again dispatcher says to swipe its mouth and make sure the airways are free.

Dispatcher : "Anything ?"

We do it again and there is nothing in it blocking the airways.

Robert: "Nothing !! ... the baby is STILL BLUE !! C'monnnn we need to get the baby going".

Dispatcher : "Ok, get some clean towels and wrap the baby up , stay calm if you can."

At the same time Janet has the thought of towels for warmth as well.

Janet : "Get a towel !! The baby needs warmth."

Robert scrambles to grab the first towel he sees; the sandy beach towel from last night. "No, a clean towel!". He runs into the bathroom and grabs a bath towel. We wrap the baby. Baby is still Blueish Purple!! Can see the little veins pulsating through the tiny little body faintly. Still.. no movement.

Looking him over Janet notices... It's a BOY!!! Ohhhhhhhhhh my Godddddddd Help Ussssss

The 911 dispatcher tells Robert to tie off the cord. He scrambles to find something. Looks on the counter. "Will a rubber band work?" "No... Need a string or something." He runs over to the door and grabs his running sneakers. Attempts to remove lace; too tight. Settles for his own sneaker on his left foot, rips out the lace and ties a knot on the umbilical cord as instructed by the dispatcher about 6" from baby's naval.

Janet : "Where is the ambulance!!?"

Our newborn starts breathing little breaths. Little puffs ever so slowly and faintly. His back rising and falling ever so slightly but enough to tell.
I wrap him tighter, dry him off.
I'm crying, praying; "God protect him", "Help us"...,"Hail Mary..."
I am no doubt in a complete state of shock.
FINALLY, as I hold him close to me...glimpses of pink tones appear in his skin. OXYGEN !! Wait, he goes back to bluish-purple.

Dispatcher : "Anything ?!! You should start seeing something now. Baby should pink up now as it gets oxygen and starts breathing fully on its own. Tell her to rub the baby's back."

Robert relays this message to me and I think no way am I letting go, but I have to rub his back to get him going. I reposition my arms and hands tilting back my upper torso so that my body can assist in weight bearing his little body while I rub his back in small circular movements. Robert also attempts to rub but realizes I've got it under control.

Robert then runs into the street to flag down the hopefully arriving help then comes back in to see some slight pink from purple blue as that is now going back n forth rapidly. The baby is trying to come around.

Janet : "Oh yessss , pleased Dear God , yes I can see he is getting pink Ohhhhhhhhhh my Godddddd Please thank you Please...C'mon baby!!"

Robert : "Alright, I hear some sirens - I will flag them down!!"

He starts to really 'pink up' and breath more strongly as he starts his life.

Janet: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Thank you Dear God thank you thank thank you !!!!!! Robert did you hear me - it's a BOY !! Oh my God " sobbing almost uncontrollably.

We now see full pink in his skin. Hear sirens. Look up and EMT arrive, police officers arrive and before I know it I am surrounded in my kitchen, with a new baby boy in my arms, by what seems like 20 men!!

Robert lets the dispatcher know the baby has 'pinked up' using the term the dispatcher kept using and the dispatcher congratulates on our new baby boy. Dispatcher tells him what a great job he did undoing the cord and the he should be a proud father(Father's Day was 3 days later with daughter Jane's Birthday in between that Saturday the day we brought the baby home!).

EMT's get to work assessing the situation. They wrap the baby in new blankets and take vitals. They have Robert cut the cord and see my tears of relief, my face shocked with fear and disbelief. I can't take my eyes off of our new baby boy.

Robert assesses the situation getting congratulated by the first responders for a job well done and proceeds to tell them he has to get out of there. He comes over and places his head on mine , it's over. We hope. We attentively listen to the professionals assess the baby and his Apgar score which looks good, thankfully. They tell us that everything seems to check out.

As we finally get a chance to really look at him, HE is beautiful, we both agree and decide upon the spot that our new son should command a name to go along with the manner of entry.
We later, after serious contemplation and due diligence, decided upon Maximilian Matthew as translated “Great Gift from God”.
See also the incredible story of
Saint Maximilian a real inspiration for the name as well! We shall call him Max.

Robert let's the EMT's do their thing and steps outside with relief. He goes next door to let the neighbor know briefly what happened and to have her let Gramps know the baby status.

The 1st responders are completely professional yet totally understand the gravity of the situation and are so gracious in handling a 'sticky situation' to say the least. I have some wits about me now and ask for Robert to snap some quick photos. He is in shock as I am and gets off some photos, somehow. Here are a few select shots. Others are sporadically placed.

They then got us prepped and loaded into the Ambulance for our ride to the Hospital (our son Reilly was sooo disappointed and jealous when he heard there was an Ambulance ride !!). Robert followed a bit behind almost getting clipped by a hurdling piece of metal that hit the car behind him (Driver works at Babies R Us ...naturally ! Unreal right ?).

We will fill this Blog with more stuff regarding this story as other folks may like to tell their perspective Gramps, the Neighbor, etc.

We thank all the folks that showed up that day including the EMTs (mostly volunteer, of note!) and Police Officers, as they were soooooo gracious. Really appreciate the EMTs bringing me to my preferred hospital even though that was not protocol and the Officers for coming back after I got home with flowers & a beanie baby cat, so cute!!

We would also just like to say thank God, the Saints, the Choirs of Angels (especially Our Guardian Angels) and all those that keep our growing family in their prayers for the health and safety of our third child Maximilian Matthew or as it translates in meaning "Great Gift from God". Lord knows we needed every last one of those prayers but being that we have used many of them up we certainly welcome all others!!

We sincerely hope this blog can be used as more than just an exciting story and that folks will be reminded of how precious & fragile life is, that we should do what we can to be as prepared as possible for something like this (have your 911 and any other vital # at the ready!!, etc.) and to pray for those less fortunate than us to whom tragedy has befallen from a situation like this. We understand that with one cruel twist that could've been us. We pray for you.

Infinitely Grateful and Forever Blessed,

Robert and Janet ~ the parents of Max



P.S. Please see the story of St Maximilian (Kolbe). A true hero to the world!

St. Maximilian in depth ( Bio and facts )


Visit Janet’s website

~The Carmeleon is a simple yet revolutionary car accessory that affixes to your vehicle’s windows easily and quickly to create private, relaxing space that is needed when breastfeeding, breast pumping or changing clothes~


Anonymous said...

wow, that was incredible! Thank you for sharing it with me. I know I will read it over and over, especially if I have another baby!

I thought that was going to happen to me when I went into labor with Ryan. I ended up driving myself to the hospital at 2:30 am Nov 8th. (I woke with my first small contraction at 1:30am) My inlaws didn't hear the phone so Chris had to stay with Jacob until my mom got to our house. MY contractions were every 4 -5 minutes regularly but not bad, like period cramps for like 20 seconds. When I got to the hospital, (Winthrop) the doors were locked and I had to go back to my car and drive to emergency down the street and enter through those doors. I was alone!

It ended up fine, Chris got there within the half hour and I gave birth at 10:10am that day, with an epidural and the way I envisioned. Ryan was 7 lbs 7 oz and 20 1/2''. Same size guys!!

NOBody will ever have a story like yours. Unbelievable.
God Bless-

Anonymous said...

Hi Janet,

WOW!! That is some amazing story...heard about it at school and almost couldn't believe it (although, knowing you, I knew it was true!)

Hope all is well now with your beautiful family. School's out finally and I actually have time to sit and write. Would love to see you and the little ones this summer. Let me know what your personal e-mail address is, if you'd like me to write.
God Bless you all!
Linda Mello-Teta

Shauna! said...

Praise God for your happy ending named Max! I loved hearing every detail of your adventure... from a mom of three who walked around dilated to 6 for a week with each child and visions of delivering just like you!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world Max!! -- What an entry!

Janet, I am so glad to hear that everything is all right with you and the baby. This is an incredible story, one you'll be repeating for years to come I'm sure. Thanks for sharing it!!
Enjoy the summer off with your beautiful family.

Congratulations and God bless you all!

See you in September,

Eileen O'Donnell

Unknown said...

Dear Rob and Janet,

Thanks for sharing your story! It is amazing! Max is beautiful. I'm a Bradley fan, too!

Best wishes and love from Luke and Heather Bester